by Gary Doskas
Philosophy Talk
You might be wondering about the embedded YouTube, assuming it's still there (assuming too much?), which is about using a Python computer language framework named Flask as a front end to some back end defined by its API. This would model a Food Cart in a Pod (or out by its lonesome). Flask shows the menu and talks to a back end to complete the transaction. Crypto-currencies might be involved (that was the thinking anyway).
This architecture was somewhat my focus as __CMO__ (chief marketing officer) as I tried to wrap my head around how front and back ends got along, in a language in which I was fluent (Python, and to some extent Flask).
CSN (Coffee Shops Network), some of you will recall, is a Philosophy wrapping a Business Model that involves building your profile as both a player risk taker and charitable giver, a philanthropist.
Coffee Shops are a science fictional cross between an arcade game parlor and a coffee shop. My locale had both Avalon and Quarter World within walking distance (for reference), and lots of coffee shops. To say they're science fictional doesn't mean you can't create them for real, just that the imaginary component stays relevant, going forward.
A Coffee Shop is expected to serve various goodies along with the beverages, as we've all ("all") experienced at a StarBucks by now (not that this chain invented the combo -- Dunkin Donuts is a parallel implementation of the vision).
Portland features many coffee shop bakery combos, with fresh made from scratch baked goods to accompany professionally brewed blends.
Extrapolating along those lines, we get the more "science fictiony" versions (more speculative), encompassing the idea of "study drugs" or whatever local universities experiment with. The hypertoons with optionally tunable soundtracks, review a lot of topics in high bandwidth, including medical stuff. Not every "study hall" is themed the same way.
The focus might be the games themselves, or the meta-game of having the games net usable income streams for actual players in the field. This isn't all funny money. Work gets done.
Supportive players that direct funds through arcades may later (or before) have a role at the other end, so to speak, e.g. where the orangutans are getting protected.
PS: if my Turkey-based company, Clarusway, recruits enough students for a next US-based cohort, I'll be again drafted and mobilized on Saturdays (among other days), through to the end of 2022. No more TrimTab meetups for me in that case, sigh (we meet at the same time). It's not a sure thing I gather, i.e. that we'll have a full enough load. I'll know more by early October. I should be able to make it to the next meetup at least.
[7] (I'm still digging for the precise article I'm remembering)
Random souvenirs:
A philosopher friend once told me that Alfred North Whitehead had intended to do for geometry what Bertrand Russell was doing for logic: distill everything to a primitive most-minimal vocabulary. With operations. An operational mathematics, perhaps more right brained (graphical) than left (lexical).
If we start with the most-minimal idea of "container" i.e. that which occupies and contains space, by dividing inner space from outer space, by what we might call a "membrane" (why not? -- synonyms proliferate quickly because we're talking core grammar) then what other ideas follow naturally (organically), given ordinary language?
From container come not just "inside" and "outside" but connecting around, in order to divide (contain) i.e. concave and convex.
The rods and spheres used to make your first triangle are already containers on their own i.e. stretched out 4eyes if we wanna systematize it. Container = 4eyes = minimal sphere (least fingers) = the container's anchoring concept.
Making the 4eyes the core beginning of containment is not at all weird. The arrowhead (four directional) marks a beginning (an origin) at the center of our 12-directional compass (gyro).
Then come the proper names we might want to wire in to this structured vocabulary, the formatted memory zone.
Such as Descartes for his famous Deficit, Euler for his V+F=E+2 (which Descartes likely knew too but made secret), and Gibbs for getting the chemical components involved in a more tactile dimension.
That's what Fuller does, contrary to false rumors that he doesn't reference other thinkers. He wires the 4eyes itself to Plato in one passage, suggesting why the triangle is always predictive of that fourth eye we don't see, because it's the one seeing the triangle (the observer aka camera is oft forgotten, a logical error -- per G, remember thyself).
Then Fuller wires in Avogadro for the ideal uni-density diffusion that is the IVM as a gas; the ball centers suggest average centers of mass in a statistically uniform stochastic pattern, regardless of the actual kinetics.
I'm happy that humanities teachers have all this raw material to work with independently of STEM, which seems hellbent on wiring Fuller out more than in, because of NIHS (not invented here syndrome).
That's true: Synergetics is an experimental language in the humanities, with the powers of prose, right in there with Finnegans Wake (Joyce) and Ezra's Cantos, David Wallace's Infinite Jest and Neal Stephenson's The Baroque Cycle -- all experiments in hammering out new (even useful) ways of using language.
The Stemites (tribes of STEM) tend to fuss about Dr. Fuller's use of language, complaining he should operate with words the same way they do if he expects flattering treatment. We call them Philistines (some of them): i.e. "[people] hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts, or who [have] no understanding of them." (to quote the dictionary).
STEM becomes STEAM (A = Anthropology, not Art, sorry), and intersects with PATH: Philosophy Anthropology Theater -- including politics -- and History. A new drop-in for all that trivium-quadrivium jazz.
A system is always missing at least one marble (720 degrees), leaks sense, is entropic, has a half life.
I'm thinking Synergetics has a bright future in PATH-side literacy and movie-making classes, and that these liberal arts graduates will be much better informed about STEM topics than those who squeaked by with just "physics for poets" i.e. without much university-level Synergetics.
Like Fuller's biographies, Synergetics itself is a great switchboard for connecting to all manner of readings, an unlocker of new fluencies, a great gymnasium for exercising one's prose-reading and prose-writing muscles, and with a lot of computer stuff (and crystallography) filtering in between the lines.
I came across this Youtube recently, which some of
you may already know about. I've linked straight to
where Bucky Fuller was mentioned, as he was given
a copy of The Animate and the Inanimate to review,
a little known work by one William James Sidis.
William and Bucky were both Harvard men, and the
18 year old Fuller had actually been aware of Siddis,
who'd been admitted some years earlier at the tender
age of 11. You'll find that story on page 42 in Alec's
Alec credits the Siddis lectures to Harvard's Mathematical
Club for getting Fuller going on his own "4D" arc and
worldline (i.e. meme). Indeed, when Fuller reads the
Siddis manuscript, he sees the approximate face of
Synergetics (just going to press at that time).
Tibees, the Youtuber, is a serious intellectual scholar,
taking the time and trouble to unearth and read the
early writings of the later famous. I watched her review
of Neil deGrasse Tyson's PhD thesis this morning as well.
[originally posted to TrimTab Book Club, a listserv moderated by Curt McNamara]
A behind the scenes peek at a Casino for Charity. Many of the games take skill, but there's always luck involved too. This circuit is one component. A credit wheel has to do with resource allocation.
Between income and outflow wheels comes "value added" i.e. "work performed". GST.
I like the exercise / workout involved.
"What is it that we could be sharing from the Fuller syllabus that would accelerate humanity in a direction most would consider positive, relative to our direction today?"
For example, since 1983 I've been fascinated by the fact that an American who wrote that "the USA we have known is now bankrupt and extinct" (giving his rationale, including on Constitutional grounds), also was awarded a Medal of Freedom from a president of the USA, right around the same time. What a hoot!
That fact alone is too exotic and fun to not share, but no one does, which to me proves Bucky was right, as a real USA wouldn't be so dweeby-phony as to suppress this interesting historic fact that every high schooler should know.
I also find it entertaining that we had years of "Q anon" talking about Mockingbird as a CIA project, without anyone doing enough research to connect our own Edgar with said Mockingbird, and to further connect him (a former Deputy Inspector General of the CIA it says on the dust cover of Synergetics 2) to the so-called "deep state" (which we could also say is very shallow, as in superficial) or to Synergetics (what's that, duh?).
That our Medal of Freedom winning OSS-affiliated cold warrior also came up with a new way to model 3rd powering, after literally millennia of casting only cubes for that job, but that universities are afraid to take this topic with anything like the seriousness it deserves, thanks to politics, is further proof that overspecialization just leaves even the most intelligent people feeling helpless and not in a role where it could ever be up to them to make a real difference. The professoriate deserves to be called out. More than canceling student debt, I say they all deserve a refund. Remember, "lack of money" is not the issue.
I watched Chris Hedges again last night, and although he's good at sounding the death knell for American democracy, he's not willing to acknowledge that Bucky was circling the idea of "corporate personhood" contemporaneously with Ralph Nader in pointing out that the soulless non-humans were now running the show.
In short, Fuller's story has all the elements we need to create those interesting and disruptive narratives that shift us onto new tracks. It's not at all Bucky's fault that we're too phony-dweeby to take advantage of this legacy. We sit around like deaf-mute idiots instead. That's our legacy.