Sunday, December 29, 2024
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Spherical Pinball Machine
If you’ve been jumping around inside these blogs, and you’ll know the ones I mean if you’ve been doing that, then you’ve seen the statistical material seeping in by osmosis, as the author, yours truly, is placed in sink or swim mode vs-a-vs some objective reality we know not, being not omniscient.
I summarize data science for my students as the business of predicting the future, which may seem too narrow given all the data sifting we’re doing to get better pictures of the past. But that’s the thing: where will we expect to get those better pictures? In our future. The past is already over, and is immutable. In that sense, anticipating what will be is redundant. We face forward in time, try turning that around. Not easy right?
Enter the Active Inference lingo, where we partition off future from past (priors) with a Markov blanket. Your energy budget is to spend on countering entropy within your own model, which you might as well call the action (sometimes gradual, sometimes steep) of gradient ascent, as descent, these are as left vs right conventions (gotta pick one, just be consistent within your own namespace).
To the extent you’ve not reached an apex, you’ve got free energy left to try. Once in equilibrium, you’re not tapping out savings so quickly, yet every belief system leaks. Your hand is always needed on the tiller even if your touch is light. It’s that experience of free agency that keeps us from calling it autopilot, which isn’t to say the pilot is forbidden from taking cat naps.
The active agent’s response to sensory or “sent-int” is action, preferably constructive such as to restore mental model applicability. No one wants to throw out a mental model and start over from scratch, except in sandbox areas, such as we provide in some of our workshops.
The agent actively shapes her, his or their world to conform to expectations, and only resorts to backup responses if no such restorations ensue. So then there’s shifting gears and taking a new position.
Which reminds me, when people ask me about the est Training (1970s mostly) what do I say? Not that I’m always able to predict my own banter (I learn what I’ll say when I say it), at the moment I’m gonna say it was all about “getting off it” which means owning one’s condition sufficiently to make a leap to a next condition not only feasible, but gracefully accomplished and already in the rear view mirror. Yes, that’s wishful thinking in many cases but at least we’re clear on for what we wish.
Other times I’ll steer them to that steersman handbook, a relevant piece of 1970s published esoterica. Marshall McLuhan and Bucky Fuller overlapped a lot in the intellectual culture (IC) of that time. Werner Erhard got some big wheels turning, the Hunger Project being one of them.
The Bayesian (vs Frequentist) is dash boarding it, flying in some OODA loop, and adjusting en vitro, looking to optimize. The instruments on the dash keep updating, not just in content, but in makeup. Different instruments come along, providing new freedoms. Some instruments fade making room. Attention may be all you need, but it’s also finite. We’re not the omniscient ones.
Like I said, the material is seeping in by osmosis, a stochastic process. Both 52LivingIdeas and Math4Wisdom chapters were about thinking schematically, meaning diagrammatically. TrimTab had some of that too, and of course FSI. We have this other way of thinking more graphically rather innately these days. The right brain is back from vacation.
It’s less about which structures you use, than about using such structures in the first place, and being willing to hop between them, as none in isolation is likely to sufficiently serve.
One learns to bounce around in a spherical pinball machine of sorts. I tend to use that metaphor a lot in my YouTube channel (see above).
Friday, December 6, 2024
Future Visions
Monday, December 2, 2024
Saturday, November 30, 2024
Verboten Math
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Sunday, November 24, 2024
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Sunday, November 17, 2024
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Monday, October 21, 2024
Hypertoon City
Given I'm back in the wheelhouse, steering a cohort through rites of passage in the cult of coding (Python) and stats (statistics, data science), I'm once again reintroducing the tools of the trade, such as pandas and numpy. And the datasets in seaborn. Such as tips, penguins and titanic.
Thinking about tips gave me a prompt for the above AI graphic, but in my head I was imagining a tips-based hypertoon. Imagine a black and white (meaning grayscale) film in which 1950s dressed urban characters frequent a busy restaurant.
Consider a camera shot of one table with five people, two smoking, three dressed as males. In one scenario, a woman gets up, espying a good friend at another table. She begs pardon from her table mates, saying she'll be right back, and she takes an empty seat at a nearby table, striking up a conversation with her friend.
The camera is following all these and sees her return. We might even see a cut, letting viewers know time has passed, but not much.
In the diagram, that would be like an arrow from a circle, looping back into itself. She gets up, the action takes us away from the table, but we come back, almost as if nothing had happened, and indeed, lets have at least a few frames that never change.
This immutable segment, of people sitting just so, with just these expressions, is what we keep coming back to, which adds a dimension of eerie dreaminess to this film. This isn't the only keyframe we keep revisiting; it's one hub among many. We in a looping environment such that we'll eventually have seen every scenario, but there might be hundreds of them, of varying length.
The general idea is you have keyframe immutable sequences from all over the restaurant, including outside on the snowy sidewalk, in the restrooms, where women gossip and men stare stoically at urinal advertisements, in the kitchen, in the back alley with the dumpsters.
Then you have a playhead, which travels within the spaghetti ball of scenarios that interconnect all these keyframes in a graph, a network, a topology. We might have five scenarios that take us to the dumpsters, and three that take us back inside. Each scenario has a direction, an arrow marking time's flow. In geometry hypertoons, these scenario transformations might all be reversible, but when it comes to humans in a restaurant, most action is one-way.
Here's the random element: when the movie player, the playhead, enters a keyframe sequence, it has more than one way to go next. The viewer will recognize the table, the people, but last time she got up, whereas this time she doesn't. A waitress shows up instead.
Next time a waiter appears, whom this time we follow back into the kitchen (and there's that same chef -- we keep seeing him, and those pancakes...). We don't get back to that table for quite awhile, revisiting other tables, and those dumpsters again, before we get there. We end up following that lady back, like the first time, from the table she'd been visiting. It's exactly the same scenario. We're on rails.
You get the idea.
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Media Literacy
We probably needed a term like 'media literacy' because 'literary criticism' left out movies, radio, all the new media. Literature means books, and literary meant literature. No one wanted to confine themselves in that way. Semiotics was too egghead, but was a good runner-up. One of the professional videographers I know was a Semiotics major.
Literary criticism came from such writers as Norman O. Brown and Hugh Kenner. They would know how to connect the dots and make sense of a dense piece of writing. But then Marshall McLuhan came along, pointing out the great disconnect taking place within the sensorium.
Who would be able to preserve linear discursive thought patterns in an age of quick cuts, channel changes, kaleidoscopic nonlinear, some might say chaotic, input order? EST people? That was a book. Bucky Fuller was an EST person, wrote the author, and Fuller agreed, by writing a blurb for the book's cover.
My pitch to the American Friends Service Committee back in the day, was along the lines of the above Youtube essay: the be media literate, one needs to create, not only consume, these communications. Don't just study the propaganda others disseminate, make your own propaganda. Make ads. Just for fun. See what it takes to be persuasive.
AFSC was quite receptive and we enjoyed the challenge of making television, in Spanish, for a local cable TV youth audience. Voz Juvenile was the name of the show. At CUE, we adapted the idea for seniors. Why not let elderly folks write and record their own show, again for community television. Media literacy involves learning how to edit, run a camera.
Adding spin to facts, thereby doctoring them, does not have to mean outright falsification. Think of a pep talk. Sometimes your job is to put a bright face on things. Does that mean you're lying? What happened to conjuring? What happened to casting spells? Halloween approacheth.
Monday, October 14, 2024
My Private Sky
The AI LW above looks more like Bertrand Russell, who lives close to LW in Hilbert Space. No wonder the LLM adds a Bertie tinge, right?
That little homunculus underlines the "private theater" metaphor that Gilbert Ryle assured us was a category mistake. BTW: How does one illustrate category mistakes in Category Theory?
For those wishing more context:
Wittgenstein didn't buy the St. Augustine picture of words gaining their meaning by being pointers, even as they serve to govern attention and focus our minds. "Not by pointing they don't" I can hear him saying. So when you find yourself imagining a perfect circle in your mind's eye and saying to yourself "THIS is what 'perfect circle' means", imagine Wittgenstein poking his head in and saying 'no it isn't'. How would you contradict him? By showing him how perfect the circle truly is?
Ludwig suggested that whatever you're calling private, which is the whole of your experience come to think of it, just call it a "beetle" instead and go around talking about your "private beetle".
Unitarily Conceptual
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Monday, September 16, 2024
Random Facebook Comment
Talking philosophy with Ivana, Epistemology group.
Ivana: and what about the mind then?:D Who controls it? Isn't it a product of brain activity?
Me: I’d say there’s no global universal meaning to these terms “brain” and “mind”. Sure, “brain” is the name of that fatty organ in the skull, we all know that, but the meaning of that word stretches far beyond such denotations e.g. look at “Pepsi” — so much more than a dark carbonated sugary juice in a bottle. Think of the bottle as the skull. Then think of the PR army that makes Pepsi compete with Coke. The logo alone is a major signifier. We don’t have widely accepted icons (logos, brands) for each organ, but we could (some part of Unicode). That’d change the meaning of brain, the way I think of meaning.
In the case of “mind”, the situation is even more clear: no specific organ need be referenced (although one might be). It all depends on the local namespace we’re in i.e. “who is talking?”. For example, a namespace I’m steeped in draws an important distinction between “brain” and “mind” and develops these differences through various published titles — not Foucault, not Derrida, and not theosophy, although developed contemporaneously with the Gurdjieff-Ouspensky stuff.
Let me say here that I consider “brain” and “mind” two very different words and it’s a waste of good English to conflate them to mean the same thing i.e. to use them as synonyms. “Is your world really so simple that you can afford to erase that distinction?” Is the kind of questions I’d have upon encountering such an alien namespace.
I’m also influenced by Freud and the psychoanalytic movement, which I trace back to Nietzsche in many dimensions. But that’s just me. I wouldn’t claim that my usage patterns match those of your random epistemologist. A lot depends on one’s ontology (I’ll conflate “ontology” with “vocabulary” in this paragraph).
Sunday, September 1, 2024
Notes on BASKET
If you're up on Bucky Fuller's Synergetics, as distinct from Haken's, and you could be up on both (or neither) then you'll likely know of BEAST, if not by that acronym. BASKET = BEAST + K.
I'm talking about the A & B modules, a pair, one easily distorted into the other, or "morphed", both wedges, tetrahedrons, slices of space.
Then come the T & E modules, exactly the same shape as one another (tetrahedrons) but one radiating outward enough further from a common center to leave a gap, like a biosphere of a planet, between the two rhombic triacontahedrons in question, the one of volume 5 (120 T), and the one of volume 5 plus (120 E).
And finally: the S, wedged between the octahedron of volume 4 (D edge length; D for diameter) and the eight faces-inscribing 20-faced icosahedron, or a “dozeneighteyes” in Struppi's dozenal namespace. 24 S slices define the difference, a dozen left and a dozen right.
All these A, B + E, T + S modules are handed (L and R), come as inside-outs of one another (same diff).
Enter the K, and hence BASKET.
The K has the same T & E shape, so KET or TEK is a logical triple, as is BAT or TAB (all 1/24). The K is 1/120th of a rhombic triacontahedron of volume not 5, not 5+, but 7.5 i.e. the RT made of Ts, scaled up 3/2 times, volume-wise. K volume = (1/24)(3/2) = 1/16, or half the MITE volume of 1/8 (MITE = B+ A+ A- = A+ A- B-), though not shaped that way.
![]() |
RD 6 yellow; RT 7.5 red; Octa 4 green; Cube 3 blue |
The K is allowed to resonate with DK, or David Koski, in helping us remember the timeline and the fact that the RT of volume 7.5 did not occur in concentric hierarchy renderings until later.
The 7.5 volume RT shares vertices with the volume 3 cube and by extension with tips of rhombic dodecahedron short diagonals. That's the RD of volume 6, made of As and Bs.
In addition to the 7.5 RT, Koski and Kirby (KU, myself) talked a lot about the 21.21 RT (15√2), the one of volume 20 times Syn3 (Syn3 = 2nd root of 9/8). I often will say "2nd root" instead of "square root" given Synergetics addresses this very prejudice. Python lets me customize the namespace.
That's four RTs of interest, in order of increasing size: 120 Ts (5), 120 Es (5+), 120 Ks (7.5), SuperRT (21.21...).
Here are the volumes we're talking about again, this time arbitrarily extended to 50 decimals:
Monday, August 26, 2024
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Monday, August 19, 2024
Friday, August 16, 2024
Sunday, August 4, 2024
Python: Still Relevant
Friday, July 26, 2024
Monday, July 22, 2024
Ghosts of Now
Saturday, July 13, 2024
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Operation DuckRabbit
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Hypertoons vs Dreamcasts
Monday, June 24, 2024
Sunday, June 23, 2024
Monday, June 17, 2024
Saturday, June 15, 2024
Friday, June 14, 2024
Sunday, June 9, 2024
Sunday, May 26, 2024
Hard Core Synergetics: School of Tomorrow
Sunday, May 19, 2024
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Monday, May 13, 2024
Coffee Shops Network: Featured Video
Sunday, May 5, 2024
Saturday, May 4, 2024
Punk Philo
I'm surprised more bloggers haven't connected ChatAI (not a trademark) with "pabulum" as a name for the output, a kind of prose we find readable and nutritious, and predictably so, given how it's made in the sausage factory. Or in punk: "AI puke".
The cogsci crowd tends to imagine models float around in neuronal tissue somehow, behind the eyes, whereas the true Markov sheet is the illuminated manuscript, Dark Ages, monks at work. The human training data accumulates in Real Memory, meaning reality, and not redundantly in neural tissue. If we wish to explain photographic memory... not here, not now. Not something most of us have.
When the Library at Alexandria burned, however that went, mainly to keep soldiers warm some people tell me, this was akin to neuronal tissue burning, in the sense of our losing the principal medium of civilizational storage: papyrus or whatever.
But there's this objection that if no one is "thinking about X" then the deeply buried scrolls regarding X must be moribund, and true, they are. Being moribund has nothing to do with being a recording medium for some collective Mind. Temperature matters. A kind of thermodynamic vector equilibrium is still in the picture, at minimum.
Back to pabulum: there's an upside to our having filled the cloud with chatter, in terms of now creating mashup versions of what we've already said, reaping the sewn. That the math is strong enough to find these least action geodesics through a cogspace (game space, namespace) seems miraculous, bravo AI, let me be the first to convey my congratulations.
Or is it RI (real intelligence) we should be applauding? Lets not sell ourselves short. We were inverting matrices long before Nvidia did that for us. I applaud Dr. Hinton and the nD polytopal geometry that was harboring elements of ML, even earlier in the University of Toronto tradition, thanks to Dr. Coxeter.
The Markovian sense in which the present serves as a barrier/blanket twixt the future and past, does not require human experience (bandwidth) explaining the passing down, through time, of these or those memory systems (scrolls, records, files...).
An old and interesting language might reawaken and once again become readable / understandable to a receptive bunch. Receptivity begets transmissivity in many cases.
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
From the CodaCombs
The Catacomb Codas. I've stuffed many a deep chamber with some of this Synergetics stuff. Detractors (or even entomologists) might picture me barfing up pabulum, weighed in tetra-somethings, anticipating this nurturing content will empower the colony going forward, the hive mind or whatever.
Synergetics is a namespace used by “anticipatory design scientists” (cliche phrase) to explore a geometry of thinking.
Synergy (the concept) suggests unanticipated (surprising) developments when the (perhaps already analyzed) parts cohere and inhere in the form of newly emergent wholes, meaning the unexpected is to be expected, if not precisely.
Chance and randomness play a role, sometimes for the better (luck, windfall, boost) leading to new scientific discoveries (e.g. radio, penicillin) that transform our continuation strategies. A good science lab is a studio within which to produce and confirm surprising (novel) findings.
Between an inside (concave) and outside (convex) comes our Markov blanket membrane, our omnidirectional halo model, our system of relevance between twilight zones, that takes its own manifestation, its own existence, as further evidence if its suitability as a model (life form).
Sense decays towards nonsense and obsolescence unless actively tuned and maintained.
Our system’s context might be “the village” (township, base, outpost) organized around various types of seer, chief or shaman, each of whom internalizes (models) the village, its procedures and ceremonies, rules of government, and its context (the rest of the world). Their collective steering produces synergetic results.
Synergy comes from the “value added” i.e. between the energy in (including sensory input, food calories, art supplies) and energy out (including action, making, crafting, cooking), i.e. from the gap between energy in and energy out filled by work (personal activity) of whatever nature.
Work is potentially value adding (varying criteria apply). Energy throughput may also be entropic, as when a dam or bridge gives way, and no longer serves a purpose.
Wittgenstein’s so-called “private language argument” is much debated as a topic, as Wikipedia is quick to point out. He’s countering the idea that there’s a private “known to me alone” basis for language e.g. no ”private ostensive definitions” e.g. this is what “pain” means to me (maybe a philosopher pinches himself or bites his own tongue at this point, to emphasize the private nature of the associated qualia) — Wittgenstein wants to break the hold of this picture, which he thinks derives from illusions and confusions. His views seem most counterintuitive to those who believe the meanings of words spookily appear even as the words are uttered, side-by-side as it were. Related conversation: LW’s “beetle in a box” thought experiment. Being the last speaker of a language going extinct is not considered a counter-argument by Wittgenstein’s defenders. Can a language in principle be understandable only by the person who knows it? Do we even recognize there’s a language there?
Monday, April 29, 2024
Thursday, April 25, 2024
Anthropology Talk
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Philosophy Talk
[ continuing a discussion thread at the M4W Coda ]
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Taxonomy of Surprise
In some backwaters of philosophy, it's still problematic to associate brain states with concepts as multifarious as "surprising", which we furthermore doubt needs referents in the form of "feelings" to anchor its meaning, any more than "accidental" would need mooring in the feelings zone.
Saturday, April 13, 2024
Friday, April 12, 2024
Pro Human PR
Friday, April 5, 2024
Thursday, April 4, 2024
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Mike Acerra Interviews Kirby
Saturday, March 30, 2024
Monday, March 25, 2024
Mental Models
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Knowledge Engineering Study Group
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Sunday, March 17, 2024
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Friday, March 1, 2024
The US Civil War: A Study in Failed Social Engineering
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Monday, February 19, 2024
Saturday, February 17, 2024
Philosophy Book Clubs
Some of us have studied The Metaphysical Club, which graphs a school of thought usually labeled as American pragmatism. At the outset, we're reminded how this layer of American heritage was forged in the US Civil War.
Readers in the far future, meaning in the 21st Century say, tend to forget all the nuances that swirled in the wake of the US's establishment as a nation-state, still very much in the process of spreading westward. To what extent would additional states, in the process of being added, permit the institution of slavery within their midst?
Accompanying acts of emancipation, on through the Civil Rights period, was the rise of mechanization, including escalators and elevators and the possibility of high rises (some qualifying as "skyscrapers"). In both the lineages of the pragmatists and the transcendentalists came Buckminster Fuller (the grand nephew of Margaret Fuller) with his forward-looking "energy-slave" concept: our machines would slave for humanity, increasingly effectively, freeing humanity itself from the scourge of slavery.
We would still need skilled professionals, people who knew how to leverage their work with automation. These would not be slaves however, so much as the master faculty and apprentice students of an emergent "global university" (another metaphor for Spaceship Earth).
Over at the Trim Tab Book Club, we've been alternately reading books by, and then about, said Buckminster Fuller, a prominent and prophetic futurist through much of the 20th Century. His ideas about a "design science revolution" anticipated the advance of "copyleft" policies among source code engineers.
I'm signed up for Sociology through what I'm seeing as within the NPU framework, in turn friendly with my School of Tomorrow based here in Oregon (NPU and PSU are linked in my thinking).
It's through that reading program, undertaken with other scholars online, that I was cued regarding The Metaphysical Club as relevant background reading. We're interested in continuing to stream these streams.
Thursday, February 15, 2024
Course Viewing
Speaking of pronouns (aren’t we always), the blob arrogantly assumes it speaks for Americans, whereas it’s just one more ethnicity, characterized by the usual Manifest Destiny mental illness. We are not an empire. We’re a conquered people struggling to win our freedom. We Americans, that is.
Sunday, February 11, 2024
Saturday, February 10, 2024
Friday, February 2, 2024
Modes of Reasoning
If you're like me, you admired the fictional Sherlock Holmes for his powers of deduction.
- induction gives us discoveries (which could be wrong)
- deduction gives us valid claims if the premises are true
- abduction gives us explanations (which could be wrong)
Computer Generated Hypertoons
I'm always wondering what a production house with some serious animators could make from my primitive "hypertoon" concept.
The idea is a simple one: think of a smooth transformation between A and B, nevermind yet what exactly is transforming. Label A and B as "key frames". Now imagine scenarios A to C and B to C. We now have a triangle. A point D with scenarios to A, B, C would now complete a tetrahedron.
A "scenario" could be like a cuboctahedron (A) twist-contracting into an icosahedron (B) ala the Jitterbug Transformation. That icosahedron (A) could then spin around 31 axes (opposite corners, mid-edges, face centers) yielding a great circle network (C). The network (C) could then shift, with some circles staying, others forming, others fading, to give the 25 great circles of the cuboctahedron (D). Add A to D. D to B might involve some kind of global sharing.
The hypertoon "playhead" displays scenarios between key frames. When it gets to a key frame, a decision is made, perhaps randomly, perhaps weighted, and a next scenario gets played. There's a sense of smooth transformations throughout, as the viewer visually tours the "space" of interconnecting scenarios. The network might be compared to a spaghetti ball.
Key frames that link to themselves, i.e. that start and end on the same frame, might sometimes run a number of times in a loop.
Search on "hypertoons" in the search box at the upper left for more, including some running examples.