Thursday, January 2, 2020

4D Solutions: Less Smoke, More Mirrors

If you've been following the Oregon Curriculum Network Youtube channel, one of mine, you'll see where I break into the dot RU domain via -- think "Russian Facebook".  I'm not using bitcoin to send those flowers quite yet, but if you're in Moscow and somebody rings your doorbell...  that might mean I'm learning.

The 2020 retrospective goes back through some show and tell recaps, hoping to trigger at least some memories out there.  If you're a student, you know that "cramming" may just mean it all falls out of your head a lot faster.  What is it we get to keep?  Mnemonics is your friend.

The new word at Wanderers (a local meetup, Linus Pauling House based) is


an art term. It means "wanderer with no purpose" (or "with a purpose to be purposeless"). "Not All Who Wander Are Lost" may be a slogan familiar to you. Think "tourist". Visit Portland "Keeping It Weird" Oregon someday?