Saturday, January 4, 2020

Flextegrity Instead of Rebar?

Rigid Pillar

The art of mixing and pouring concrete is not the whole story, as rebar is integral to the design. Without rigid reinforcement, the hardened sludge has little value as a load-bearing material, but is conventional rebar the only option?

With Flextegrity, based on the CCP matrix, the designer has more control over both rigidity and volumetric displacement.  As cinder blocks prove, there's plenty of space, for space, in many an over-built design.

Consider C6XTY, made of rigidly interconnected hollow balls.  The total displacement is less than 74% of the total space (the pure CCP figure) but how much less?  A lot more than what rebar would occupy. 

A savings of 50% in concrete, while adding strength, might be just the ticket, given the right truss.

What schools of engineering are studying the combination of concrete and lattice trussworks? 

Is your construction company in the loop?

Here at Coffee Shops Network (CSN), we specialize in hypertoon reveries (spaghetti balls of connected scenarios) and the CCP (= FCC) is a kind of homebase for our explorations.

Of course we follow C6XTY, a set of stories, and Flextegrity, given our specialty.

Thanks to Lattice Gallery in Portland, Oregon for popping up during the holidays and showing Portlanders some of the possibilities.

Park Blocks Elephant

Urban Exploration: A Necessary Ruin

A beautifully made documentary.

Flannerism, Ecotourism, Psychogeography

As a Wanderer, a group based at the Linus Pauling House in Portland, Oregon, I'm hip to these quotes from Benoit Mandelbrot:
Early on, I became a wanderer-by-choice between the disciplines, and between theory and applications. Electing to live as a constant maverick, I allowed my interests to move in and out of mathematics, in and out of physics, of economics, or diverse other fields of physical and social sciences, and even music and art.

Science would be ruined if it were to withdraw entirely into narrowly defined specialties. The rare scholars who are wanderers-by-choice are essential to the intellectual welfare of the settled disciplines.
The links to urban exploration make sense of you think of the psychogeography of the mind, a territory mapped by mnemonics, memetics and the Hermetic tradition.

The "ecotourist" of the 21st Century is often on "tours of duty" meaning there's work involved, and academic credit. The site will have organized around a steady flow of part time volunteers (you choose you duties in a competitive environment).

Where does the charity come from i.e. the funding? That's what Coffee Shops Network is all about: giving Everyman the tools to practice philanthropy. Your reputation as a savvy grant giver, based on winnings, is worth cultivating. You'll become a role model for imitators.

Will Self, a British novelist and sometime TV personality speaks about psychogeography in some of his Youtubes. He's also a big fan of the Russian science fiction movie Solaris by Andrei Tarkovsky.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Avogadro's Number and the CCP

I'm going to take you to an old blog post (archival) in case you have an interest in this topic: Avogadro's Number.

American Literature replaced the BCC and SCP with the CCP in Transcendentalism, when representing "the holodeck" (archetype: land before time, firmament, matrix) before some schools of engineering even knew what that meant (not being crystallographers by training).

In review (OCN stuff):

  • BCC: body centered cubic
  • SCP:  simple cubic
  • CCP:  cubic close packing

At CSN, we're into providing the best in "STEM reveries" meaning as you cram for that exam, over coffee, just staring into space, at one of our LCDs, may get you remembering Organic Chemistry.

We're not limited to "STEM reveries" by legal contract or deal, just that's an area of weakness in some Coffee Shops, which may tend to cater more to idle tourists or flaneurs as some prefer.

Hard-working eco-tourists are a different category entirely (not idle, for one thing).

4D Solutions: Less Smoke, More Mirrors

If you've been following the Oregon Curriculum Network Youtube channel, one of mine, you'll see where I break into the dot RU domain via -- think "Russian Facebook".  I'm not using bitcoin to send those flowers quite yet, but if you're in Moscow and somebody rings your doorbell...  that might mean I'm learning.

The 2020 retrospective goes back through some show and tell recaps, hoping to trigger at least some memories out there.  If you're a student, you know that "cramming" may just mean it all falls out of your head a lot faster.  What is it we get to keep?  Mnemonics is your friend.

The new word at Wanderers (a local meetup, Linus Pauling House based) is


an art term. It means "wanderer with no purpose" (or "with a purpose to be purposeless"). "Not All Who Wander Are Lost" may be a slogan familiar to you. Think "tourist". Visit Portland "Keeping It Weird" Oregon someday?

Undersea Scans with C6XTY

Undersea Lattice

With the close of Lattice Gallery, right behind Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA), came the end of Phase I:  public awareness.  The press release to the Sculptors Conference net us a key audience, and a footprint in Art World at last.

However, Phase II is likely to focus on marine biology in some dimension, with neutral buoyancy sensors held in stasis by slender "stalks" per the famous Lanahan Flextegrity design -- what Lattice Gallery was all about.  Marine Habitats.  Ecotourism.  What's down there?

How do we address CCP lattice balls uniquely?  Why not use coordinate addresses.  The stalks have sufficient diameter to carry insulated cable.  We don't have to use 5G or even 4G, thereby interfering with signal.  We'll have an underwater matrix able to sense schools of fish, unaffected by the cabling, and render them in 3D in real time.

Some of you may be imagining a much more spaced-out matrix with room for larger objects, pre-programmed to dodge nodes (hubs) and stalks (connectors).

Better yet, we're free to communicate on public frequencies, i.e. use WiFi so 5G or 4G might be just the ticket.

The underwater buoy matrix, in CCP conformation, will depend on C6XTY-like buckyballs (macro-sized) holding their own positions.  This might require battery power only for the duration of the tournament or other sporting event.  Think of drones, but underwater.

Have you seen our technical journaling about (a,b,c,0) addressing for these pods?  Popular mechanical engineering themes weave through this (x,y,z) fabric of lattice elements.  Do we call it Cartesian?  Our high schoolers start to study these topics well before students in most states (of mind). Would you like to accelerate along a learning curve?

I'm looking to India and other ancient cultures for some feedback on this question, regarding the IVM as an archetype.  What's the etymology of "isotropic" in ancient Greek?  Do we find the IVM in the Vedas in some precursor form?  Some Buddhist have said it means Void (in translation).  That sounds fine, but let's not wait for someone in California to figure it all out, OK?  Oregon Curriculum Network has more direct sources.

IVM has many meanings of course, as my PhD friend Dr. Potkin reminds me.  Of course this being CSN, home of those synergetics hypertoons, I'm using the namespace of Dr. Fuller:  isotropic vector matrix.

That's the CCP (or FCC) to you chem heads (Linus Pauling's preferred stomping ground).  Check OCN's stash of Jupyter Notebooks for more info (School of Tomorrow meme).

Downtown Portland