Wednesday, February 4, 2009


:: a fine grind production ::

In late 2008, I started branding some works as Fine Grind Productions, named for a local coffee shop, then owned and operating by artist in residence Jody Ahn, with assistance from her capable staff.

FGP's first productions were a slideshow about Py3K (Python 3000, a backward incompatible leap into the __future__ by the Python computer language), and a backdrop projection for my debut as a "Dymaxion Clown" at Portland Center Stage (IEEE lecture, election night, 2008).

The Py3K slides presaged my focus on coffee shops as an outlet for exclusive high definition content, including interactive games with an eye towards supporting worthy causes.

Our customers themselves are "worthy causes" and our charitable giving games help customers build their profiles, chronicle exploits, even while supplying vendors and potential sponsors with market-relevant analytics.

Unlike my others, this blog will exploit AdSense and Adaware technologies.