Sunday, June 30, 2024

Hypertoons vs Dreamcasts

I don't know that these dreamcasts are really called that; I was just looking for a word. Are they the hypertoons I've been describing, i.e. smooth transformations between keyframes in a network? They could be. Hybrids are doable, by simply adding repetition and branching.

More to the point is attention to a specific corpus. My paradigm hypertoons, the corpus I've personally explored, is that of one "concentric hierarchy" i.e. a nest or maze of polyhedrons. I've elsewhere suggested "a cabal" of polyhedrons (or how about "bouquet"?). The Synergetics namespace is already self-consciously intra-corpus transformative in a right brainish animated way.

Rather than surrender to the stochastic randomness of generative graphics, we could use AI to make some of the segments, but then loop in other segments developed by other means. Children's Television Workshop has always been a model: come up with canonical representations of A-Z, 0-100, and have the segments segue through those. An AI fantasy about the letter A turns to a claymation. These might be among the art school's warm-up exercises, with benefits to children.

For example, we want the Jitterbug, treated over and over by different graphical artists. Once at an icosahedron, we have so many ways to go. It might become a nucleocapsid. It might unfold into a world map. The icosahedron might take its place in a flextegrity lattice, underwater, with fish.