Saturday, December 22, 2018

Dissections by D.B. Koski

The first image shows the icosahedron within the 5 octahedra The second the rhombic triacontahedron.

The volume of this icosahedron that is within 5 edge 2 octahedra is 20Ø^-4 or 60S+20s3 modules.

The rhombic triacontahedron is 20 (Ø^-4 + Ø^-8) or 60S + 60s3 modules. 

To make the RT we added 120 tetrahedra to the surface of the icosahedron. 

Since the RT is 40s3 larger in volume, 40s3/120 makes each tetrahedron 1/3 of an s3.

Compound of 5 Octahedral is equal to:  8640 (s9 + s12)

s9 = (Ø^-14)/2 
s12= (Ø^-17)/2

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Flying to the Moon

David Koski 9 years ago:
This is my favorite. The more I watch it the more I see and realize how much I have missed. I missed too much in my brief encounters with Russell Towle. Truly a multi-dimensional man, and then there is the geometry besides. May this and his other work always be with us.